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# UI/UX Design

Signs of Good Web Design

Red Rocket team
Red Rocket teamJul 19, 20246 min read
It's no secret that companies of all sizes today must have an online presence, including a website. Some business owners don't even think about how important a properly thought-out design is for the website that is created. It is not so important what products or services you offer to customers. The most significant thing is how you can show it to them on the web product.
There are many examples of bad and good web designs on the Internet. You can avoid common mistakes if you know effective web design features. In this article, we have collected 10 important points that will help you know what makes a website good.

1. Website Purpose

Users do not come to your website randomly. They visit your site to satisfy their request, to find necessary information, to purchase a product or service. Therefore, first, you need to clearly define the purpose of creating a website. For example, if the essence of your business is to sell clothes for women, it is important to ensure that the user can easily perform a targeted action.
Website Purpose

2. Loading Speed & Image Size

Pay attention to such an important factor as loading speed. Every user has had such situations when the selected site in the search engine takes a very long time to load. The problem is not in your device or your Internet connection. Mostly the loading time is affected by the size of the images that are on the website. You need to optimize them so that your web product opens quickly.
There are even some statistics that tell us about the three second rule. Basically, internet users wait up to 3 seconds for a website to load. If the site still continues to load, the customer clicks back and chooses another site.
Loading Speed & Image Size

3. Simplicity

Nowadays it is not fashionable to fill the design of the site with hundreds of small elements. This approach can only confuse the attention of the client. On the other hand, it can make the user spend more time on the site, which will perfectly affect search engine optimization. In any case, it is better not to overload the web site with unnecessary elements and complex structure.

4. Color Range

Color schemes play an important role in the design of websites. Color selection elicits an emotional response, reasserts branding strategies, and provides for a system of ordering. More subtle or pastel color schemes might be perceived as less aggressive and, therefore, involve more users. Vivid colors are intense and give an overall look of contemporary and young design. Realization of a good website color combination should involve only a couple of colors. Also, remember about color theory in web design, which includes three indispensable elements - complementation, contrast, and vibrancy.
Color Range

5. Typography

The use of good typography in web design enhances the usability of websites beyond any comprehensible measure. Proper use of fonts, their size, the height of lines, and space between the lines either help in the continuity of the text or break it up. Using fonts that are contrasted well also aids in setting up a hierarchy so as to guide the users to certain content. Size indicates relevance here, where headers are usually larger than the text. They also help in avoiding creating very close lines that make it hard to read through and create walls of text.

6. Intuitive Navigation

Users will leave your site if your navigation is confusing, even though the site is great aesthetically. Clear and uncluttered primary navigation menus facilitate self-serving. Here are some web design navigation best practices:
  • Add a vertical menu on the side. This is especially true for e-commerce sites, where the sidebar may include a catalog.
  • Make navigation logical and consistent.
  • Don't forget about breadcrumbs (navigation chain).
Elements that do not bounce back and forth between formats also reduce cognitive load in consistency. Finally, users prefer simple designs because they can complement breathtaking graphic designs with efficient, innate means of retrieving content.
Intuitive Navigation

7. Connecting with Social Networks

Last year's statistics showed that almost 60% of the entire human population has social networks. Moreover, the average modern smartphone owner spends between 2 and 6 hours on social media every day. Instagram, Facebook, X (ex. Twitter), Snapchat, Linkedin - these are the most popular social platforms where your business should get an account.
Including social media enhances the website's effect and increases the coverage area. Profile links and share buttons, as provided through some platforms, make it easier to spread the content. Incorporating appropriate social media feeds gives a site a more dynamic feel and is up to date. However, an overload of plugins and widgets proves to be a nuisance to the users. The most futuristic web designs feature only small links to the major profiles.
Connecting with Social Networks

8. Visual Hierarchy

To achieve a simple and responsive web design for browsing, the interface can only guide users to meaning according to the established visual hierarchy. Relative scale, hue, spatial position, and style: These are the usual features that matter most when it comes to defining visual hierarchy in web design.
Changes in fonts are also useful in identifying navigation from other body text. Effective application of the visual hierarchy helps to attract the audiences’ attention as well as ensure comprehensible and usable websites.
Visual Hierarchy

9. Search Engine Optimization

Surprisingly, web design for SEO is very important. Never forget that a website should not only have a beautiful aesthetic look and user-friendly web design. If your website is good, it should definitely meet all SEO optimization standards.
The main factors include having useful content, relevant keywords, meta tags and images. The sites with high rankings will appear more frequently in the search results page and thus attract more traffic to the main site. SEO is a must for brands that seek to be heard and seen online.
Search Engine Optimization

10. Call-To-Action Elements

Call to action in web design is just as important on the web design side as it is on the marketing side. CTAs include buttons such as sign-up and buy buttons, click-to-see images, subscription forms, comments sections, etc. Well-designed CTAs are visible, use action-oriented language, and are properly placed where the visitor is most receptive. The real value is created with specific CTAs that are in line with business goals to increase conversions and interaction.
Call-To-Action Elements

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Frequently asked questions

How much does a good web design cost?

The cost of the final web design project depends on many factors. For example, the type of website and its volume play a huge role. Obviously, it is also necessary to take into account the hourly rate of designers. On average, a normal website design can cost 1-5 thousand dollars.

How long can high-quality UI/UX design take?

For the custom design process that would involve user research, information architecture, development of paper and actual wireframes and mockups, it would require 2-4 weeks of time at the very least.

How can web design affect sales?

A properly thought-out web design has a positive impact on the user. This is the reason why customers spend longer time on the website. This contributes to higher conversion rates and ultimately means more sales revenue. Costs in design are correlated with positive changes in organizational performance indicators.

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