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# Business development

How much does a website cost?

Nikita Osaulenko
Nikita OsaulenkoJun 5, 20246 min read
How much does a website cost


The world's commerce has changed rapidly in the last 10 years and today almost every business operates online. The most frequent question of those who transfer their business online is how much it costs to make a website. A small spoiler for you - such a question can not be answered with one sentence and give a certain cost. The web development cost estimate depends on many factors, functions, speed of work and much more.
Do you want to know how to calculate the amount of web resource development in 2024? We, experts from the company Red Rocket, collected the actual factors that determine the final price of a web product.

Key takeaways

  • The approximate e-commerce website development cost depends on several factors. Among them are domain, hosting, CMS, design, security and maintenance.
  • The best way to calculate the full cost of website build is to contact a specialized agency.
  • Website development can take from a few weeks to a few months.
  • The budget for a simple landing can be about 500 dollars, while complex sites can cost more than 5 thousand dollars.

Cost breakdown

Are you ready to find out what parts website-building consists of and how much each stage costs? We have gathered a lot of useful information that will help you see the approximate cost of your future platform.

Domain name

In simple terms, a domain is a name by which users can find your site among the others. The domain should be well remembered and associated with the name of the company or blog. Domains are different: national, regional, thematic. Domain registration cost depends on the term of its lease. As a rule, the use of a domain per month costs about 15-20 dollars.


Website prices include the cost of hosting - placing your resource on the Internet. Thanks to hosting, a visitor can access the site at any time of the day, and you do not need to buy expensive equipment and keep it on all the time. Website hosting cost depends on the type of your online resource and can usually range from 10 to 500 dollars for monthly use.

Website builder

Business website builder is a popular option to create your resource on the internet based on other platforms. In the builder, you also have a set of templates, but here, you work not with the administrative panel but with the visual representation of the website. In administrator mode, you enter the page and can immediately edit it and see how your changes are reflected in the appearance and functionality. Such builders usually ask for up to 200 dollars a month for their services.

CMS templates

CMS, Content Management System, or engine is a system that helps you manage the content of your website. It is a visual interface where you customize various parameters of the site. The engine already has ready-made templates for a blog, online store, business card site, or lending site. The CMS cost an average of $500 one-time fee.


Another non-obvious factor that makes up ecommerce website cost turnkey is the SSL certificate. The certificate is needed to encrypt the data that the user enters on the site. Logging into a personal account, filling out a form for feedback, buying a product - all these actions are associated with the transfer of visitor data. What about the cost? Security will cost you about $200 per year.


Website design pricing depends primarily on the contractor. You can turn to freelancers who have a website development hourly rate or to the company with a fixed price. The final amount depends on the scope of the project, the customer's wishes and additional features. As statistics show, website design in general can cost from 300 dollars to several thousand dollars.


Website maintenance price include constant support, regular updates, hosting, and domain name renewals. All of this can cost around $400 per month.
The final price of a website depends on the combination of these elements, so it will not be possible to say unequivocally how much it costs to create a website.

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Hiring an agency

Just think of what you do when you want to go on vacation. Instead of organizing your own trip, you turn to a travel agency and call for the desired conditions. The same situation applies to website building.
It is better to entrust the complex work to professionals to get a quality web product. Moreover, it will also save you money. Many people try to create a site on their own without knowledge and face a number of problems. In the future, it will cost even more to correct these mistakes.
If you have ideas on creating a website, you can contact Red Rocket. We know how to make the perfect platform that will fully meet your requirements. Get a free website quote - we will calculate the cost of your future website in detail.

Frequently asked questions

How to create your own website?

Today, there are several options for building an online website. For example, you can start the development process on your own if you have enough experience. You can also turn to freelancers, but it is important to consider website developer rates to understand the cost. The best option is to contact a professional agency. Such is our Red Rocket agency, where you can get a turnkey website.

How long does it take to develop a website?

The terms depend on the scale and complexity of each project. For example, a simple and small website can be created in just a few weeks. Complex platforms can take several months to build.

How much does it cost to maintain a website?

The cost of your website includes not only the price of its creation but also the price of its content. Basically, the cost of website maintenance consists of the amount of renewal of hosting, domain, and SSL certificate. Each month the content of the site may require you 300-400 dollars.

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